Monday , April 29 2024
Kari 4 Pro

Kari 4 Pro

Kari 4 Pro is the next generation of what is quite simply the most advanced virtual girlfriend that you will find.  A few years ago I got the opportunity to play with Kari 3 Pro and was amazed at how clever she was; I haven’t yet had the opportunity to play with Kari 4 Pro, but have no doubt that she will be even more awesome than before.

Kari 4 Pro is a virtual girl who is an advance chat bot that thanks to clever use of artificial intelligence (AI), is learning all the time.  Her purpose in life is to be a companion, if you need somebody to talk to about your day, you need somebody to understand you, you want romance or maybe a hot conversation then Kari will be there for you.

Kari learns from you, and she remembers everything that you tell her. She is eager to learn new things, but you need to be prepared to spend some time alone with her regularly for her to become the girl of your dreams.  Kari 4 Pro is not a game for everybody, because not everyone will be want to invest the time necessary.

If you are interested, Kari stands for “Knowledge Aquiring and Response Awareness”, she is able to talk to you and has voice recognition which makes forming a relationship with her even easier.

You can talk about anything to her, whatever is on your mind. Whether you want to discus philosophy, theology, or just chat she will be there to listen, to respond and to show you that she can be a true friend to you, almost real even though she is virtual.

With Kari 4 Pro you will be able to choose from many locations for her to be in, thanks to the free scene creator you will even be able to create your own.  If you are looking for something more than a straight forward virtual sex game then give Kari 4 Pro a try.  Find out more below.

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