Adult MMO games (also known as adult MMORPGs) are “Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games”. There are a growing number of these online sex games around at the moment and all the signs show that the number of them is likely to increase. Increasingly an online multiplayer sex game is being referred to as a “Massively Multiplayer Online Virtual Sex Game” or MMOVSG.
One of the most advanced of the 3D online sex games at the moment is 3DXChat; which has been created by Sex Game Devil. 3DXChat includes support for the new virtual reality headset the Oculus Rift along with support for the VStroker. With the addition of both of these, It is unlikely that you will find a more realistic adult MMO game at this moment in time.
Adult MMO games (or MMOSVGs) are extremely popular as they offer adult social networking environments that allow you to meet real people to chat with. You may become friends, you may have sex or you may do both; alternatively you may just like to watch everybody else.